The 2019 TMS Open House will be held on Monday, August 12th from 6:00pm- 7:00pm. To prevent long lines, we ask that students bring in their locker number, along with the lock combination. This information can be found by logging into the student or parent SIS portal and selecting "Student Details.” Once there, click on the "eye" in order to get the locker combination. Students will then be able to find their schedules and other important information inside their lockers. During Open House, they will have the opportunity to meet with teachers and pay lunch, technology, and other fees for the school year. All students and parents who attend, can enter their names into a drawing for prizes, including a 2019-2020 activities pass courtesy of the Bulldog Booster Club.
Students will have access to their lockers beginning Wednesday August 7th from 8:30-2:30.