The preschool is a free pre-kindergarten program. It is open to children who are ages three(3) and four(4) by August 1st, and reside in the Trenton R-IX School District.
Preschool is a half-day program with children attending five days a week.
Morning Class - 8:00-10:45
Afternoon Class - 11:30-2:15
Children are provided daily snacks at no cost to the family. The Preschool Program is funded through Title I and the school district. The Trenton R-IX School District has adopted the Project Construct curriculum. Emphasis is placed on kindergarten readiness.
Children are placed in the program the spring prior to attendance. Placements are made based on multiple-criteria used at the Trenton R-IX Preschool Screening held at the preschool each spring.
Children are screened in the areas of motor, concepts, language, social development, emotional development, speech, vision, and hearing.